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Part 3 - Building Your Comfortable Housing Spending Less


it's nice to be back and have you (still) around; I hope you find the information below useful (as you did the previous parts).

To make things easy for everyone, I have modified the plan used in previous tutorials by adding a staircase and also showing proposed column points, (because we do not have a structural drawing, we would be working on a few assumptions to aid our calculation.)

New plan attached below (we're not particular about functionality here; just estimation.)

Note: Because it's the same design with Part 2, we would be making references to part 2 occasionally and using that to save us time and post length.

*My post do not eliminate the need for an experienced supervisor/engineer on site - they are intended for education and negotiating purpose only. Thanks.

If you're yet to read the previous parts, kindly do so here:
Part 1: 
Part 2:

As we did in part 2; we would go into details, best working practices, cost implications and then questions & answer i.e we would arrive at an approximate cost of building the attached house (up to decking).

Note: We're treating foundations on solid land using Strip/Pad foundation NOT Raft (maybe in part 4); maybe.

No1: Preliminaries:
We treated this in part 2 and the notes made there are still applicable. However, the cost of labour related works has changed over the years. Eg You could pay as much as 10k to 20k to clear a site of bushes and even about 20k or more to cut the trees on it (depending on the numbers of trees).

* Clearing and uprooting of trees (N15,000-N30,000)
* Water (find out how much a small tank goes for but it cost about N5,000 to rent & fill a tank of water)
* Omo-onile could charge as much as N50k to 200k depending on your location.

SUMMARY: The cost in this section are dependent on so many factors but with about N100K (MINUS OMO-ONILE fees) you should be good and ready to go.

No2: Works Below Ground
Works in this sections include (but not limited to)
a. Setting Out
b. Digging
c. Rebar Works
d. Blinding and Concrete to Foundation
e. Blockworks to Foundation up-to German Floor
f. Filling / Compaction
g. German floor

2A. Setting Out: I have always advised that (against the normal practice of bricklayers using blocks for setting out) it should be done properly using wood profiles and pegs. We're not here to discuss why, all those have been done in previous post rather we're here to calculate 'How Much' and advice on 'How' best it should be done.

Materials Needed: (Based on the attached design)
1x12 plank = 4pcs with each sliced into 4 each. (this is gotten by finding the perimeter of the building i.e add the length of all 4 sides together; then divide your answer by 3m [length of 1 plank], then further divide by 4 [because each plank would be sliced into 4 each].
Pegs = 3 dozen i.e 36 pieces (Divide the perimeter by 1.5 and approximate to the nearest dozen, since pegs are sold in dozen)
Nails = 2" and 3" - buy about N2000 worth
Ropes = 4 bundles each at about N500

Workmen Needed:
One Bricklayer, One Labour, your Supervisor and a representative of the Diggers (If the foundation digging is not given to the bricklayer) - I'll advice however that the bricklayer should be given the job, so that he can ensure the digging is accurate, aligned and well levelled  at the bottom to avoid wastage of concrete eventually.

NOTE: At this point, because its a storey building, your Iron Bender/Welder should be on site preparing his Matts and Starter Columns. If the site is a small one and cannot accommodate him, he should work offsite and transport to site later. When we get to item C, we would discuss his work in details.
>> Materials Cost;
Planks: 4 x N1800 = N7200
Cost of Slicing per line = N100 x 3 lines = N300 x 4 planks = N1200
Pegs: 3 dozens x N2000 = N6000
Nails = N2000
Ropes = N2000

>> Labour Cost - N2000 for the Labour, N15000-N20000 for the Supervisor (if paid per visit) and N3500 - N5000 for the Bricklayer (if he's not digging the foundation).

Summary: (Material + Labour Cost) = N45,400:00k (Max)

2B. Digging: Foundation depth depends on site/road level, water level, nature of soil etc and are part of the structural drawings by the Civil Engineer, but since we do not have a structural design; we would adopt a foundation depth of 750mm (it could range from 600mm to 1200mm thou).

The attached structure would cost you about N50000 to dig; with four (4) quality hands digging, you should have it completed in 2 days. but unlike in the bungalow, we'll have to dig further down at the column points. i.e if I'm digging 750mm for my foundation depth, I'll need to dig +150mm (900mm) for the column base. (NOTE: We're working with assumptions because we do not have a structural design for this tutorial - else, follow what your civil engineer specifies)

>> Materials Cost;
You might be requested to rent diggers, shovels etc  and buy drinking water for the workers - N2000

>> Labour Cost - N50000

Summary: (Material + Labour Cost) = N52,000:00k

2C. Rebar Works: Rebar simply means reinforcement or what we can iron. Since we didn't discuss this in any of the previous tutorials, we would be going into details. Attached below is a sketch of the structural design for column we would be adopting.

Our first task is to calculate the amount of rebar needed and also explain few principles to consider when cutting your iron (rebars).
- Overlap length - Because it is impossible to cut the total length of rebar needed from foundation to roof beam level at once, we normally join iron (not weld, as some people do), the overlap is the distance that the new iron seats into the existing iron, to allow us bind (tie) them together, and this varies according to the size of the iron. see chart below for an example of overlap lengths.

- Cutting length - This is the length of iron that is cut out to form the different structural members eg no1, if the height of my foundation is 900mm, my cutting length must put into consideration the overlap length and the foundation depth and a few other parameters. eg no2, if I want to bend a ring of 150mm square, my cutting length is 150+150+150+150+100 where 100mm is to allow me close the ring properly hence my cutting length is 700mm. Your iron bender is required to cut the reinforcement bars of the example above in short pieces of 700mm each.

- Matt - As the name implies, this is the footing on which the starter column bars are placed on, it's work is to prevent the iron from sinking into the ground/foundation when loaded i.e when it carries load because the iron usually has a sharp end. it is the matt that the column bars seats on.

- Starter Columns - This is the first part of the columns that are cast; it starts from the foundation base and ends just after the ground floor slab (German floor) - The starter column MUST not terminate in the German floor, instead it should project above it with adequate distance as recommended in the overlap chart above (so we can join the continuation columns to it.

Let's go practical 'abeg; this English don dey too much.'

The pictures below are column design from another project.  Lets calculate how much of rebar is needed for this project, starting with what's needed for the foundation only.

Terminologies from attached column design:

4Y16 - 03 - This means that the labelled element consist of 16mm rebar size and there are 4 numbers of such in it. The 03 means check 'Bar code' 03.
note: for complex works, you would be provided with a table showing the shape and cutting length of the labeled rebar (i.e check item no 03 on that chart)

12 Y10 42 - 175 - This means there are 12 numbers of 10mm rings placed at 175mm apart (c/c) in a known start and end point and you can check no 42 on the bar chart for more details.

i. Rebar in base (Matt)
The matt is 1m by 1m square and I've been told its 5 Y12 vertically and 5 Y12 Horizontally per base. This means I need 10 (5+5) numbers of Y12 and each one is 1m long. hence
10 x 1m  = 10m length per base. (but always add 200mm (0.2m) to your length to accommodate for bend (see diagram above). So let's recalculate and factor in bends.

10 x 1.2m = 12m per base. (The length of 1 rebar is 12m)
this means that I need 1 length of rebar per base.

SINCE ALL OUR BASE ARE SAME SIZE (not always so) I'll just multiple the number of bases by the number of length needed. (let's count the number of bases from our plan/design)

18 bases x 1 length per base = 18 lengths of 12mm rebar are needed for Matt.

ii. Rebar in Starter Columns.
Notice that from the diagram our column is 1100mm (i.e 850+250) below site level (+0.00) and 750mm above the slab, the thickness of the slab is 150mm (+150).

This means the length of our starter column is 1100mm+150mm+750mm (overlap)+200mm(bend) =  2200mm i.e 2.2m per column - BUT its is labelled as 4Y16 meaning each column has 4 of that length.

Rebar per column = 2.2m x 4 = 8.8m
Numbers of column = 18 nos
Rebar needed for all 18 columns = 8.8m x 18 = 158.4m (if 1 length is 12m long, then)
158.4m / 12m = 14 lengths of 16mm rebar are needed for Starter Columns.

iii. Rebar in Rings
From the design, we have been told there are 12 number of rings in each starter column, we have 18 columns = (12 x18) = 216 numbers of rings in all.

How they arrived at 12? easy, length of starter column is 2200mm (2.2m) just divide this length by the spacing of rings i.e 175mm apart.
i.e 2200 / 175 = 12.

but, what's the length of 1 ring? - Since the column is 225mm by 225mm, to get the length of ring minus 50mm from 225mm  (so the ring would be a bit smaller than the column and fit in) = 225mm - 50mm = 175mm.
As the name implies, its a ring of 175+175+175+175 (to form a square) = 175 x 4 = 700mm

add 100mm to it for bend = 800mm per ring.
we have 216 numbers of rings. therefore
Total length of rings needed = 216 x 800mm per ring
= 172,800mm i.e 172.8m of rebar (If 1 rebar is 12mm long)

Then: 172.8m / 12m = 15 lengths of 10mm rebar are needed for the rings

iv. Binding Wire
Just buy 1 bundle or half bundle of binding wire, you cannot finish it but you'll need it again and again during the project - and it can be easily stored.

>> Materials Cost;
10mm rebar = 15 x N3500  = N52500
12mm rebar = 18 x N4800 = N86400
16mm rebar = 14 x N8500 = N119000
Binding Wire (1 bundle) = N13000

>> Labour Cost - N25000 (most steel benders charge about N25k per tonne)
Summary: (Material + Labour Cost) = N295,900:00k

2D. Foundation: We dealt with this in part 2 with a few notes; there's no need to repeat these notes (kindly read the notes of advice on foundation in part2). What we would do here is to calculate the quantities and cost of the work.

Let's calculate the volume of concrete (this is the length of the trench dug x the width x the thickness of the concrete [+] the length x breath of base x difference in thickness of base x number of columns) i.e

I'll explain the above using the diagram below:

Length of trench = (if you add all the length in the diagram above, you'll get the length of trench
Width = this is how wide the foundation is dug, from the diagram (see bubbled portion) = 675mm i.e 0.675m
Thickness of concrete = The thickness of the concrete poured (Let's use 150mm i.e 0.15m)

Length and Breath of base is usually a square (same as matt above) = 1m by 1m
Difference in  thickness of base = 150mm (as explained in B - Digging of Foundation i.e 900mm - 750mm)
Number of columns = 18 nos

(103.3m x 0.675m x 0.15m) + (1m x 1m x 0.15m x 18)
10.46m3 + 2.7m2 = 13.16m3 (This is the volume of concrete needed)
Cement needed to cast 13.16m3 of concrete depends on the mix ratio but using 1:3:6 i.e 4.5bags / m3 gives:
13.16m3 x 4.5 bags/m3 = 59 bags.
Sharp Sand needed = 20 tonnes (see part2)
Granite needed = 30 tonnes (see part2)

>> Material Cost:
Sharp Sand (1 tipper) = N50,000 - N65,000
Granite (30 tonnes) x N 6000 = N180,000
Cement = N4,000 / bag (including transportation) = N236,000

>> Labour Cost - N45,000

Summary: (Material + Labour Cost) = N526,000:00k
Note: The quantity of sharp sand and granite above is more than you'll need for the foundation but it is cost effective on the long run than buying exactly what's needed.

2E. Block-works to Foundation: We would treat all walls as structural walls, hence we'll be using 225mm blocks, not just in the foundation, but also for the super-structure; but for people in regions were solid (not hollow) 150mm blocks are available, it's ok to use same. Always ensure your foundation is a minimum 4 courses please.

Materials Needed:
Remember the figure we got when we wanted to calculate the stretch of the foundation? well it's the same figure we need to know how many blocks are need per course for the foundation work.
i.e Length of trench = 103.3m (a block is 450mm (0.45m) long.
therefore number of blocks per course = 103.3m / 0.45m = 230 blocks

9" Block @ 4 courses = 230 x 4 = 920 pcs
Cement = I have dealt with how to calculate numbers of cement needed in many of my previous post; (see my post on cost of building a fence) so I'll just give you a ratio you can always use.

A bag of cement would on the average set 60 pcs of 9 inches block using mix ration 1:6. therefore cement needed to set 920 blocks is:
920/60 = 15 bags.

Sand? No, we've got enough on site already (left over from foundation work) - we would discuss how to calculate sand when we get to the super-structure (i.e works above ground level)

>> Material Cost:
9" Blocks = 920 pieces x N280 = N257,000
Sharp Sand = Use left over on site = N0
Cement = 15 bags x N4000 = N60,000

>> Labour Cost - N60,000

Summary: (Material + Labour Cost) = N377,600:00k

2F. Filling: If you missed the note on filling in part2, please check it out - I left some advice there and there is no need to repeat same. Thanks.

To calculate filling, we simply need to calculate the volume of our foundation space. i.e Length of building x Breath of building x Height of foundation (all internal dimensions)
>> 12.5 x 10.3 x 0.9 (I used 0.9m as height because I used 4 courses of blocks i.e 225x4 = 900mm = 0.9m)

Volume of filling needed = 12.5 x 10.3 x 0.9 = 115.875m3

depending on the filling you're using, the conversion ratio is different.

i. Using Red (Laterite) sand >>  1m3 of Laterite has a weight of 1.91 tonne.
so; 115.875m3 of Red (Laterite) sand is = 115.875 x 1.91
= 220 tonnes of Laterite.

ii. Using Filling / Sharp sand >> 1m3 of sand has a weight of 1.28 tonnes.
so; 115.875m3 of dry sand is = 115.875 x 1.28
= 148 tonnes of Sharp/Filling sand

Note: 1 China truck loads between 20 - 30 tonnes of sand. You won't have to buy all quantities needed because some of the materials used for backfilling has been dug out from the foundation - so buy in bits of 1 or 2 trucks at a time.

>> Material Cost:
Using Laterite = 220 tonnes x N2500 = N550,000
Using Dry Sand = 148 tonnes x N3000 = N440,000

>> Labour Cost - N55,000 (about N250 per tonne)

Summary: (Material + Labour Cost) = N605,000:00k
(If you don't want to spend this much on filling, see part2)

2G. German floor: Since we're building a storey building, it is compulsory to do the German floor. The cost effective measure is to use a thickness of 100mm (4 inches) instead of 150mm (6 inches).

Total Floor Area: L x B = 12.9m x 10.7m = 138.03m2
Thickness of German Floor = 100mm = 0.1m
Volume of Concrete in German Floor:  Area x Thickness
= 138.03 x 0.1m = 13.80m3

using the volume above and material constant for cement, sand and granite; we have:
Using ratio 1:3:6 (for 1 cubic meter of concrete)
4.5 bags of cement, 0.46m3 of sand and 0.92m3 of granite
For 1:2:4 we have; 6.5 bags of cement, 0.44m3 of sand and 0.88m3 of granite
For 1:1.5:3 we have; 8.1 bags of cement, 0.42m3 of sand and 0.84m3 of granite.

>> Material Cost:
Cement = 62 bags x N4000 = N248,000
Granite = 25 tonnes x N6000 = N150,000
Sharp Sand = 10 tonnes x N3000 = N30,000

>> Labour Cost - N65,000

Summary: (Material + Labour Cost) = N493,000:00k

No3: Super Structure (Blockworks) 
Super-structure refers to all civil works above the German floor; this comprise majorly of block setting, lintel and columns up to roofing.

From the design total numbers of blocks needed is calculated as (you're expected to use 9" blocks all round, because its a storey building)

9" Blocks = Refer to the total building plan and calculate the total linear lengths of all blocks (same way we did for foundation) - since for this case (it's not always same) we have same length, we won't need to re-calculate. (refer to 2D above = 103.3m)

The easiest method is to find the blocks need for 1 course (line) of blockwork, multiply it by total number of courses and then subtract for doors and windows. (see diagram below for doors and windows)

Total Linear Length = 103.3m
Number of courses = 12 lines (4 up to bottom of window + 5 for window opening + 3 after lintel and below beam)
Length of 1 block = 450mm = 0.45m (we do not need the width here)

Number of blocks needed per course = 103.3m / 0.45m = 230 blocks
Total blocks needed = 230 x 12 courses = 2,760 blocks.


We can do this using area.
Area of 1 block is = 0.45m x 0.225m = 0.1m2
Area of 4ft by 4ft window = 1.2m x 1.2m = 1.44m2
Area of toilet window = 0.6m x 0.6m = 0.36m2
Area of 1.5m by 1.2m window = 1.8m2
Area of 1.8m by 1.2m door = 2.16m2
Area of 3ft door = 0.9m x 2.1m = 1.9m2
Area of toilet door = 0.75 x 2.1m = 1.6m2 etc etc

once you've done the above exercise for all openings, multiply each figure by it's total and add all for total area of openings. (See my calculation below)

0.6x0.6 windows = 4 x 0.36m2 = 1.44m2
1.2x1.2 windows = 3 x 1.44m2 = 4.32m2
1.5x1.2 windows = 7 x 1.8m2 = 12.6m2
0.9x2.1 opening = 6 x 1.9m2 = 11.4m2
0.75x2.1 doors = 4 x 1.6m2 = 6.4m2
1.2x2.1 opening = 2 x 2.5m2 = 5m2
2.7x2.4 (dinning) = 1 x 6.5m2 = 6.5m2
4.5x2.4 (front terrace) = 1 x 10.8m2 = 10.8m2
1.4x2.4 (kitchen terrace) = 2 x 3.4m2 = 6.8m2

Total Area of Void = 65.26m2 (divide by area of 1 block i.e 0.10)
Number of blocks in void = 65.26 / 0.1 = 650 blocks.

Subtract 650 blocks from our initial total:
2760 blocks - 650 blocks = 2110 blocks (add 10% for waste and breaking of blocks)

Now that we know total numbers of blocks, let's calculate for cement, sand and labour using the variable gotten.

Cement: 2300 / 60 = 40 bags (Refer to 2E above)
Sharp Sand: You need about 0.004m3 (0.0064tons) of sand to set 1 block, hence for 2300 blocks = (2300 x 0.0064) = 15 tons of sand.

Labour = 130K - 150k is OK

>> Materials Needed:
Blocks (9") = 2300pcs x N280 = N644,000
Cement = 40 x N4000 = N160,000
Sharp Sand = 15 tons (1 tipper) = N50,000 - N65,000

>> Labour - N150,000
>> Miscellaneous Cost - This covers for scaffold, planks to support the bricklayers working at height etc - N100,000

Summary: (Material + Labour Cost + Misc) = N1,119,000:00k

No3B:  Columns and Lintels
Columns are straight forward, recall we have 18 columns, and from design, each column has 4Y16 (ie 4 lengths of 16mm rebars). for all buildings with standard heights i.e 3m, the cutting length of each member is 4m (i.e divide 1 full length of rebar (12m) into 2 equal parts.
We also have 10mm rings @ 175mm (as designed), this means we need 3000mm / 175mm = 17 rings per column.

Lets calculate quantities now:
Rebar in Columns
Total number of columns = 18
Rebar in 1 column = 4
Length of each rebar in column = 4m
Hence: Total length of rebar needed = 18 x 4 x 4m = 288m (if 1 rebar is 12m long)
Length of 16mm rebar needed = 288m / 12m = 24 length.

Cutting length of 1 ring = 800mm = 0.8m (see 2C-iii above)
Rings in 1 column = 17 rings i.e (3000mm / 175mm or 3m / 0.75m)
Number of columns = 18
Hence: Total length of rebar needed for rings = 0.8m x 17 x 18 = 244.8m
Length of 10mm rebar needed = 244.8m / 12m = 21 lengths

Rebar in Lintel
I'm not an advocate of tying your lintels all round, just overlap it by 300mm on each side of the opening and its OK. I've written extensively on why on various post here.
Here's a shortcut to calculate rebar needed for lintels.

Extract all linear lengths of opening in the design (we can get this from our void calculation above)
0.6x0.6 windows = 4 x 0.6m = 2.4m
1.2x1.2 windows = 3 x 1.2m = 3.6m
1.5x1.2 windows = 7 x 1.5m = 10.5m
0.9x2.1 opening = 6 x 0.9m = 5.4m
0.75x2.1 doors = 4 x 0.75m = 3m
1.2x2.1 opening = 2 x 1.2m = 2.4m
2.7x2.4 (dinning) = 1 x 2.7m = 2.7m
4.5x2.4 (front terrace) = 1 x 4.5m = 4.5m
1.4x2.4 (kitchen terrace) = 2 x 1.4m = 2.8m

Total linear length of all openings therefore = 37.3m (notice I didn't use area, I used only the width of the opening i.e 0.9m for 3ft doors and 1.5m for 5ft window opening etc).

Add 50% of total length to accommodate for overlap of all opening >> (37.3 x 150 ) / 100 = 56m of linear lintel.
BUT, each lintel has 4Y12 in it. hence; 56m x 4 = total rebar length needed = 224m. (if 1 rebar is 12m long)
Length of 12mm rebar needed = 224m / 12m = 19 lengths.

Formwork to Columns and Lintel
I'll advice that a few quantities are brought and reused, so we would only purchase half of the quantities we need - this saves cost except where you plan to do the beam and slab immediately, then you can buy all needed and reuse it for beams and slab.

You'll need about 2 numbers of 1by12 somi wood for each column hence >> 2 x 18 = 36 planks
For lintels we need >> total length of lintels (without overlap) / 3m - where 3m is the length of 1 plank (1by12)
hence >> 37.3m / 3 = 13 planks; TOTAL NEEDED = 36+13 = 49 planks
You'll also need a few 2by3 or bamboo to support the lintels and binding wire to support the columns. (I'll add this cosy under miscellaneous thou)

Concrete to Columns and Lintel
The volume of 1 column is 0.225 x 0.225 x 3m (length of column x breath of column x height of wall) = 0.15m3
for all 18 columns is becomes 18 x 0.15m3 = 2.7m3 of concrete.
The volume of concrete in total lintel = 56m (total linear of lintels + overlap of 150%) x 0.225 x 0.225 (Length & Breath  of lintel) >> 56 x 0.225 x 0.225 = 2.8m3 of concrete.

THEREFORE: Total volume of concrete in Columns and Lintels = 2.7m3 + 2.8m3 = 5.5m3

We have calculated concrete many time already hence no need to recalculate it here - I'll just give the final quantities of materials needed to cast 2.7m3 of concrete.

Cement = 25 bags
Granite = 10 tons
Sharp Sand = 4 tons (I'll advice you buy another tipper and use the remaining for beam)

Workmanship (Welder + Carpenter + Bricklayer) = 25k + 30k + 25k) = 80k

>> Materials Needed:
10mm rebar = 21 x N3500 = N644,000
12mm rebar = 19 x N4800 = N91.200
16mm rebar = 24 x N8500 = N204,000
Somi Planks = 49 x  N1800 = N88,200
Cement = 25 x N4000 = N100,000
Granite = 10 x N6000 = N60,000
Sharp Sand = 1 tipper = N50,000 - N65,000

>> Labour - N80,000
>> Miscellaneous Cost - This covers for binding wires, bamboo, nails etc - N50,000

Summary: (Material + Labour Cost + Misc) = N1,382,400:00k

No4: Beam and Decking
This is a topic on it's own and there is no way we can deal with it as a sub-topic, but luckily I have a full and detailed writeup on this topic already, what's even better is that I used the same design we're using here for the post. Permit me to link you to that post here

>> Materials Needed:
Bamboo =185 x N300 = N55,500
2by3 Wood = 95 x N500 = N47,500
1by12 Plank =250 x N1800 = N450,000
10mm rebar = 45 x N3500 = N157,500
12mm rebar = 192 x N4800 = N921,600
16mm rebar = 42 x N8500 = N357,000
Cement = 110 x N4000 = N440,000
Granite = 45 x N6000 = N270,000
Sharp Sand = 2 tipper = N130,000

>> Labour - (Welder + Carpenter + Bricklayer) = 100k+200k+150k = N450,000
>> Miscellaneous Cost - This covers for transportation, binding wires, bamboo, nails etc - N200,000

Summary: (Material + Labour Cost + Misc) = N3,479,410:00k

If Block-setting was WAOH!, then this is WAOH! WAOH!! WAOH!!! (some years back, 1m would have sorted this work out - no thanks to the latest price of Rebar and Cement majorly)
No5: Blocks on Upper Floor  
This uses the same principle as the block setting on ground floor; in-fact because the design I shared for this purpose has same space on ground and first floor, if we calculate - we would get same figures as what we have on item NO3 above.

However, do factor in that works on upper floors are a bit more expensive, because you might have to pay separately to move blocks up or the bricklayer would include that extra in what he's charging and might not accept same amount he accepted for similar work on ground floor.

No6: Roof Carcass and Roofing Sheet (Aluminium Long Span) 
I prefer to open a new thread for this calculation, because just like beam and slab, it's more than we can treat as a sub-topic. Watch Out.

No7: Windows, Doors and Burglary
This is a straight forward estimation - because you're basically buying and installing. Quantity are for both ground and upper floor.

0.6x0.6 casement window = 8 x N25000 = N200,000
1.2x1.2 casement window = 6 x N36000 = N216,000
1.5x1.2 casement window = 14 x N45000 = N630,000
1.2x2.1 iron door = 2 x N80000 = N160,000
0.9x2.1 iron door = 2 x N65000 = N130,000
0.9x2.1 wooden panel door = 8 x N85000 = N680,000
0.75x2.1 wooden flush door = 8 x N70000 = N560,000
All windows are with net, burglary and have labour inclusive but add for transportation for all items.

>> Materials - N2,576,000
>> Labour - This covers related bricklayer's work - N100,000
>> Miscellaneous Cost - This covers cement etc - N50,000

Summary: (Material + Labour Cost + Misc) = N2,726,000:00k

No8: Tiles

No9: Plastering of walls (Internal & External)
This will come in a different thread, but see part 2 to have an idea.

No10: Painting
This will come in a different thread, but see part 2 to have an idea.

Thanks for following, I sincerely do hope that someone out there must have learnt a thing or two - If you notice any mistake in this write-up, please feel free to point it out - GOODLUCK AS YOU BUILD THAT DREAM HOME... and remember, the man who solves a housing problem as solved a lot of problems. Don't wait for the millions - start today with what you have.

I am


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I've been wanting to do this topic but couldn't come up with the easiest way to teach it; while it is possible to measure the quantities of roofing sheets needed for your project even before you set the first block using the Architectural drawings; it requires a lot of experience especially in trigonometry and site visualization. I have however found an easy way around it; as would be discussed below. I have carefully designed and attached a roof plan for this purpose, (feel free to use should it fit your building design... lol) Calculating the quantity of roofing sheet needed is done is meter square (m2), same parameters used for selling and purchasing roofing sheets hence we would expect to use the AREA FORMULAS (i.e Area formulas for Rectangle / Square, Triangle, Trapezium and Rhombus), sounds easy right? Yes it is!!! The most difficult aspect of calculating Area of Roofing is FINDING THE TRUE LENGTH (Technical Drawing students should understand this)...


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How To Calculate Quantity & Cost of Asbestors or PVC Ceiling Needed 4 your project

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